tonsils and adenoids

Tonsils and Adenoids

Treatment Or Removal Of Tonsils And Adenoids In Children

Tonsils and adenoids are masses of tissue similar to lymph nodes. Tonsils are located in the back of the throat, while adenoids can be found behind the nose and the roof of the mouth. It is very common for these tissues to swell in children, which can lead to a variety of adverse health effects, such as obstructive sleep apnea, recurrent throat infections and ear infections. At Virginia Ear, Nose and Throat, we can evaluate and treat the swelling of these tissues, and in some cases, surgically remove them.

Symptoms of Swollen Tonsils and Adenoids

Your child may have enlarged tissues if they display the following symptoms:

  • Sore throat

  • Fever

  • Trouble swallowing

  • Bad breath

  • Neck pain

  • Headache

  • Loss of appetite

  • White patches on the glands

When left untreated, enlarged glands can lead to other health complications. One possible complication is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which can impact the quality and duration of sleep. When children do not get adequate sleep, it can lead to daytime sleepiness, irritability, behavioral issues, difficulty concentrating, ADHD and hyperactivity. Enlarged glands can also cause ENT issues, such as chronic throat and ear infections.

Surgical Removal of Tonsils and Adenoids

Bacterial infections of these glands, such as streptococcus, are usually treated with antibiotics. In some cases, patients still experience frequent infections despite antibiotics or they have difficulty breathing due to enlarged glands. In these cases, your provider at Virginia Ear, Nose and Throat may recommend surgical removal of the tonsils or adenoids.

This procedure can be completed safely and effectively as an outpatient procedure at a hospital in the Richmond area. Our team utilizes the latest advancements in technology and surgical techniques to ensure your little one’s procedure goes as smoothly as possible. Our team uses the Coblation tonsillectomy approach, which involves completely removing the tonsils and the surrounding tissues from the pharynx, where they are attached.

Before Surgery: How to Prepare Your Child

At Virginia Ear, Nose and Throat, we understand that undergoing a medical procedure can be a scary experience for many children. We are here to help you educate your child using kid-friendly language and best prepare them for their procedure. Here are some tips to help your child get ready for surgery:

  • Talk to your child about their feelings, and offer your support

  • Reinforce that this procedure will make them healthier overall

  • Spend as much time as possible with your child before and after the procedure

  • Connect with another child and/or family that has undergone this surgery before

  • Remind your child that this surgery will not make them look any different

  • Prepare your child for side effects following their surgery

After Surgery: What You Need to Know

After your child’s procedure, they will typically experience a sore throat and will need to drink plenty of fluids. Other post-operative symptoms include:

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • Fever

  • Throat and ear pain

  • Vomiting

It is possible for your child to experience some bleeding. If this occurs, contact our team as soon as possible. Our team will be able to determine next steps and whether your child needs to be evaluated.

To learn more about post-operative instructions for this procedure, click here.