
Tinnitus Assessment
And Treatment

Helping Patients With Ringing Ears

More than 25 million adults in the U.S. have some degree of tinnitus, according to the American Tinnitus Association. At Virginia Ear, Nose and Throat we assess, diagnose and treat your symptoms all under one roof. Our ENT specialists and audiologists work together to determine the underlying cause of your symptoms to help you find effective and long-term relief.

What Is Tinnitus?

Characterized by ringing ears, tinnitus can feel particularly frustrating because of its subjective nature—only the patient experiencing symptoms can hear it. In addition to or instead of ringing, patients also report hearing buzzing, whooshing, hissing or other noises in their ears. It is not a disease, but rather a symptom of other conditions. It can also vary in intensity and severity. While some people experience chronic symptoms, others report periods or bouts of symptoms that come and go.

Causes Of Tinnitus

Although it is thought that tinnitus is a symptom of hearing loss, it is ultimately unknown if this is the case. The American Tinnitus Association reports that there are over 200 different health conditions that are believed to cause this condition. In addition to hearing loss, other possible causes include:

  • Ear conditions

  • TMJ

  • Nasal congestion and sinusitis

  • Certain medications

  • Brain injury

  • Head and neck trauma

  • High blood pressure

  • Vestibular conditions

Tinnitus Treatments

Our ENT specialists and audiologists work together to treat the underlying causes of your symptoms. Unfortunately, it is a complicated condition, and sometimes the cause is unknown. Because of this, our providers may recommend trying different kinds of treatment at once. They may also refer you to another specialist within our practice in order to more holistically treat your condition. Treatment options include:

  • Hearing aids. Patients whose symptoms prevents them from hearing clearly may benefit from hearing aids.

  • Physical therapy. The therapists at our Total Balance Center specialize in treating a variety of conditions. If our providers suspect your condition is related to head or neck pain, vestibular conditions or TMJ, customized physical therapy may help you manage your symptoms.

  • See a psychologist. Stress can exacerbate the condition. Regularly visiting a professional mental health counselor can help patients put in place stress management techniques.

  • Changing certain medications. There are several medications that are thought to cause the issue, including cancer drugs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and more. In some cases, patients who stop taking these medications experience immediate relief from symptoms.

Let’s Get Started

If you are tired of persistent ear ringing or symptoms that come and go, now is the time to take action. Our audiologists and ENT specialists work together to comprehensively treat your symptoms. Schedule an appointment today by calling (804) 484-3700.