hearing aids

Hearing Aids & Devices in Richmond, VA

Helping Our Patients Improve Their Hearing

Hearing aids and assistive hearing devices help remove a communication barrier in patients with hearing loss. Though these devices can not restore hearing loss, they do help patients hear more clearly. Patients find themselves being able to follow along with conversations again, even with background noise.

What Is A Hearing Aid?

A hearing aid is a computer chip that processes sound to make it louder. In the past, they functioned linearly, meaning they amplified all sounds equally. Today’s devices can be fine-tuned across the entire frequency range. Therefore, they can be programmed to correct the specific deficit in each ear. Audiologists then have the ability to match patients with the correct type of hearing aids considering their lifestyle, hearing loss, and price point.

Devices range in sophistication and adaptability. While some are more adaptive (i.e. they adjust themselves for you based on the sound environment), others are more manual (i.e. are more basic and give you more control over what sounds are louder than others). Due to today’s advancements in digital sound processing, there are many types of hearing aids available, and it can be confusing to know what to choose. Our audiologists are able to simplify the process of getting a hearing aid, while making sure you receive the best device for your situation.

Finding The Best-Fit Hearing Aid

Before fitting patients with hearing aids, our audiologists will conduct a hearing screening. Because there are different types of hearing loss, this is a critical step in choosing your device. Your audiologist will recommend devices based on your type of hearing loss. In addition to the degree of hearing loss, our audiologists also take into account the shape of the outer ear, the length of the ear canal, the patient’s lifestyle and the patient’s ability to remove and replace their devices with ease. These considerations vary from patient to patient and will help our team recommend the best style for you.

Our Hearing Aid Services

From diagnosis to treatment, our audiologists in Richmond and surrounding areas are dedicated to helping patients hear more clearly, every step of the way. We are proud to offer the following devices to help patients hear more clearly:

  • Assistive hearing devices. Also called assistive listening devices, these devices amplify sound. They differ from hearing aids in a number of ways. First, they are not meant to be worn all day long. Second, they are also typically larger and bulkier.

  • Types of hearing aids. Hearing aids come in a variety of sizes and styles. At Virginia Ear, Nose and Throat, we provide patients with the choice between in-the-ear and behind-the-ear devices, with many options for both types. Behind-the-ear devices are the more traditional choice, while in-the-canal devices are typically more discreet, as they fit more snuggly in the ear. However, both types of devices range in function and present different benefits.