man with earlens device happy that he can hear in any situation
man with earlens device happy that he can hear in any situation


Hear Better With Lens Technology

Virginia Ear, Nose and Throat is proud to offer Earlens, a hearing device that uses groundbreaking hearing technology. Traditional hearing devices rely on speakers to amplify sound. Earlens, however, uses a lens that is placed on the eardrum, which radically improves the user’s range of sound frequency and leads to high-quality, rich and overall better sound.

How Does Earlens Work?

Most hearing devices contain a small speaker that picks up sound waves from the environment and converts them into an electrical signal that moves the eardrum. Earlens devices are the world’s only nonsurgical lens that works with your body’s natural hearing system. A small lens is placed right on the eardrum by one of our ENT physicians. The ear tip transmits signals via radio frequency directly to the lens, which causes the eardrum to vibrate, resulting in clearer sound and a fuller frequency range.

Who Is A Candidate For Earlens?

Patients with hearing loss may benefit from using a hearing device, which can restore the overall quality of life in patients. Hearing aids are not a cure for hearing loss, but they can significantly improve a person’s ability to hear and communicate with others.

Our audiologists along with our physicians at Virginia Ear, Nose and Throat can help you determine if this hearing device or another type of hearing aid is suitable for you. Oftentimes, patients with hearing loss turn to this device after experiencing dissatisfaction with other conventional devices. Other Earlens users are trying hearing aids for the first time.

Benefits Of Choosing Earlens

Patients report noticeable advantages when wearing this device over traditional hearing aids. After receiving this device, many patients say that they even forget they have hearing loss. Benefits include:

Instead of just amplifying the sound through a speaker, this technology uses a lens that works with your body’s natural hearing system to allow for better sound.

While most devices allow for an audible bandwidth of between 800 Hertz (Hz) and 5k Hz, this bandwidth is between 100Hz and 10 Hz—allowing for a 2.5 greater range of frequency than traditional hearing devices.

Say goodbye to lip reading—users of this device find it easier to follow conversations that occur amid background noise and in loud environments.

Your hearing aids are non-invasive and nonsurgical, allowing for maximum comfort, ease of wear and no recovery time.

Your lens is specially designed from an impression of your ears, ensuring a perfect fit.

With the Bluetooth feature, users can pair their devices with their smartphones. Simply download the app to access personalized settings and adjust your device in different situations.

This device is rechargeable. All you have to do is charge the processor while you sleep at night.

This device removes many of the frustrations associated with traditional hearing aids. You will not have to worry about bothering yourself—or others—with shrill and noisy feedback.

Trying Earlens Is Easy

One of our ENT physicians will take an impression of your ear that will be used to build the lens an ear tips, which takes about two weeks. Once your device arrives, our office will reach out to schedule your fitting. At your fitting appointment, the ENT doctor will place the lens into your ears and your audiologist will adjust the settings to optimize your hearing. As you adapt to Earlens you will continue to have the full support of our practice as well as the Earlens Concierge team. To learn more, watch our webinar or call us and ask to schedule an Earlens consultation.

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earlens patient smiling with text next to him